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The Code of Concord: Emerson's Search for Universal Laws

“One senses at every point the depth of the author's absorption of the spirit of Emerson’s time and the nature of the American soil out of which Emerson sprang. He is on intimate terms with the literature of this country and of the European and classical authors who influenced Emerson.”

—Robert W. Gladish, The New Philosophy

Nobel Laureates in Search of Identity & Integrity: Voices of Different Cultures

“Published in print for the first time, these studies and penetrating observations on topical issues, written by leading authors and intellectuals from many distant countries, make up one of the most intriguing and engaging avowals of our time.”

The Moment Is Now: Carl Bernhard Wadström’s Revolutionary Voice on Human Trafficking and the Abolition of the African Slave Trade

Carl Bernhard Wadström, born in Stockholm in 1746 and dead at Versailles in 1799, was a Swedish scientist whose promising career at Sweden’s prestigious Board of Mines was abruptly derailed by an unexpected journey.